• 2022-05-27
    Hypoxemia produces hyperventilation by a direct effect on the
    A: Phrenic nerve
    B: respiratory center
    C: Lung stretch receptors
    D: Medullary chemoreceptors
    E: carotid and aortic body
  • E


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      A group of symtoms (tachypnea, dyspnea, tachycardia, hypoxemia, cyanosis) resulting in acute respiratory failure is called:

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      The following vessels will direct blood to the brain except which one? A: A. common carotid B: B. internal carotid C: C. vertebral D: D. jugular

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      The following belong to peripheral nervous system ( ) A: Conducts impulses from receptors to the CNS B: Informs the CNS of the state of the body interior and exterior C: Sensory nerve fibers can be somatic or visceral D: Conducts impulses from CNS to effectors

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      When arterial blood pressure rises, it can cause A: vagal tone decrease B: sympathetic tone increase C: aortic nerve afferent impulse reduce D: sinus nerve afferent impulse increase

    • 4

      The basic center of the basic respiratory center is() A: The spinal cord B: The hypothalamus C: The brain D: The medulla oblongata