• 2022-05-27
    The girl in the hat is ______.
    A: Bill
    B: Jim
    C: Mary
    D: Mike
  • C


    • 0

      Mary: Mike, I'm exhausted. How much further is it Mike: Not far, I promise. Mary: ______ Mike: Oh, come on, Mary. A: That's great! B: I'm glad to hear it. C: What a beautiful view! D: But you said that half an hour ago.

    • 1

      M: Why did Mary give Jim flowersW: I think yesterday was Jim’s birthday. Who gave Jim flowers() A: The man. B: Jim. C: Mary.

    • 2

      ______do you like better , Mary or Mike? A: Whose B: whom C: what D: that

    • 3

      —_______ girl is Mary? —That girl. A: Whose B: Which C: What D: Who

    • 4

      Mary ______ a good girl today. A: is to be B: is C: has been D: is being