• 2022-05-27
    The Song Dynasty saw the rise in popularity of “travel record literature”.( )
  • 内容

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      And when did he live? A: Qin dynasty B: Han dynasty C: Tang dynasty D: Song dynasty

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      When did quyi thrive ? ( ) A: in the Yuan dynasty B: in the mid-Tang dynasty C: in the Ming dynasty D: in the Song dynasty

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      Which of the following cities, in ancient China, had implemented the<br/>“Lvli system”?() A: Bianliang of the Song Dynasty B: Lin’an of the Song Dynasty C: Chang’an of the Tang Dynasty D: Chang’an of the Han Dynasty E: Luoyang of the Eastern Han Dynasty

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      When did the Moon Festival originate? A: Song Dynasty B: Qin Dynasty C: Tang Dynasty

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      The style in the Song Dynasty was delicate and exquisite.