• 2021-04-14
    中国大学MOOC: Products are either physical goods or services and can’t be both.
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      Some goods can be classified as either public goods or private goods depending on the circumstances.

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      中国大学MOOC: _____________ occurs when a firm exports goods or services to consumers in another country.

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      So long as a company can supply quality products and services, we shouldn’t be concerned about its company culture. ( )

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      中国大学MOOC: People charge for products and services because they dont want to spend their own money.

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      Marketing is: A: A) a very broad set of activities required to ensure that consumers can get the products and services they want and need. B: B) limited to only selling and advertising. C: C) purchasing goods and services that most consumers don't need using aggressive tactics to overcome consumer resistance. D: D) making a good product that sells itself. E: E) producing goods and/or services.