• 2022-05-27
    The foreigner seemed ________ his way.
    A: to be losing
    B: to have missed
    C: to have lost
    D: missed
  • C


    • 0

      When she came to life from the accident the lady seemed to _____ her memory. A: have lost B: be losing C: lose D: losing

    • 1

      It is a pity that you have missed the most important contents(). A: lost B: caught C: refused D: rejected

    • 2

      When she came to life from the accident the lady seemed to _____ her memory. A: have lost B: e losing C: lose D: losing

    • 3

      George _____ have missed the way, I explained the route carefully and drew him a map.

    • 4

      He()the train if he hadn't been stack in traffic jam on the way to the railway station. A: couldn't miss B: wouldn't have missed C: mustn't have missed D: shouldn't miss