• 2022-05-27
    You can use several ways to communicate with others except ______.
    A: using language
    B: making eye contact
    C: by the posture
    D: using ear contact
  • D


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      Which of these should you avoid while giving your presentation? A: Repeating yourself and going off topic B: Making frequent eye contact with your audience C: Talking slowly D: Using occasional pauses

    • 1

      Using notes on index cards in a presentation helps to increase eye contact with your audience.

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      Which of the following “ eye contact” is correct? A: always staring at the interviewer B: nodding while making eye contact C: don’t make eye contact D: don’t have any eye contact with the interviewer

    • 3

      Keeping eye contact can make you pleasant to the interviewer.

    • 4

      Body language covers the following aspects: A: facial expression B: body bubble C: eye contact D: posture E: gesture F: smell