• 2022-05-26
    A VIRTUAL TEAM ATT. A STEARNSWhy is this group A teAm?
  • This group is A teAm BeCAuse they hAve generAteD A positive synergy through A CoorDinAteD effort resulting in A level of performAnCe.


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      The important factors that constitute the entrepreneurial team are (). A: team role B: team ability C: team behavior D: team structure

    • 1

      The team of explorers got lost in the jungles. A: There is a team of explorers. B: There was a team of explorers. C: there is the team of explorers. D: there is not a team of explorers.

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      Please choose the best 3 posters in your opinion. A: team 1 B: team 2 C: team 3 D: team 4 E: team 5 F: team 6

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      was a well -known fact. A: That their team was weak B: That their team being weak C: Their team was weak D: If their team was weak

    • 4

      Which of the following would NOT be an effective technique for encouraging healthy team solidarity? A: Encouraging competition with other groups B: Discouraging competition within the group C: Encouraging members to express disagreements D: Building a team mythology