• 2022-05-26
    When the largest fault current occur after short fault ()
    A: at the beginning time of the fault
    B: half cycle
    C: one cycle
  • B


    • 0

      ____ ()<br/>electric current ()nto A: circuit as B: result either of C: (fault)<br/>in the

    • 1

      In the fault basin, the fault block belongs to the third-order structural unit.

    • 2

      3 Her only fault is that she is lazy.Her only fault is ..................................

    • 3

      Fault-related<br/>folds include() A: fault-bend fold B: fault<br/>propagation fold C: fault decollement fold D: fault<br/>shearing fold

    • 4

      Admitting your fault quickly when you make a mistake at work.