• 2022-05-27
    The four types of questions that are easiest for respondents to answer are yes-or-no questions, multiple-choice questions, open questions, questions with a ranking scale.
  • 内容

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      【单选题】Questions can be classified as the following EXCEPT ? A. Closed questions and open questions. B. Display questions and genuine questions. C. Lower-order questions and higher-order questions. D. Simple questions and complex questions.

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      Rhetorical questions are the questions you are asking audience and need audience to answer them.

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      _______________________________questions allow you to gather varied information in a very organized and succinct manner. A: Ranking B: Checklist C: Multiple choice D: All of the above

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      Closed questions are easier to process, but open questions will collect a wide range of responses.

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      This chapter covers four topics about qualitative research questions,which one is not included in the following topics? A: Looking for research questions B: Developing qualitative research questions C: Writing qualitative research questions D: Making research questions work