• 2022-05-27
    This pair of boots is made of buffalo __________. They are very durable.
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      中国大学MOOC: If you want to ask your friend to help you choose between a pair of boots and a pair of loafers, you may say

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      9.We need a pair of ______ when swimming. A: goggles B: boots C: leggings D: gloves

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      If you’re going hiking in the mountains, a pair of strong boots are_______. A: selective B: logical C: intensive D: essential

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      The history of painting is a fascinating chain of events that probably began with _____. A: A.ever made the very first pictures B: B. the ever made very first pictures C: C.the very first ever made pictures D: D. the very first pictures ever made

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      The joke killed the audience(). A: made the audience laugh to death B: made the audience unimaginative C: made the audience very painful D: made the audience very nervous