• 2022-05-27
    Logical fallacy can be divided into two main categories, and what are they?( )
    A: right one and wrong one
    B: true one and false one
    C: good one and bad one
    D: formal one and informal one
  • D


    • 0

      纽约步的节拍是( ) 。 A: two and three and four one B: one two three four and one C: one two three four D: two and three four one

    • 1

      What can one do if one is going to visit a Japanese in Tokyo? A: One can wait for him at the nearest railway station. B: One can put on an advertisement to inform him. C: One can look at the newspaper for his address. D: One can ask him to draw or send a map.

    • 2

      Finish by putting your_(7)___ on your hips. One, two, three one, two,three. One, two, three one, two, three.

    • 3

      Finish by putting your_(7)___ on your hips. One, two, three one, two,three. One, two, three one, two, three.

    • 4

      Which statements of the event listener are true A: Multiple listeners can be attached to one component. B: Only one listener can be attached to one component. C: One listener can receive and process the events from multiple components. D: One listener can receive and process the events from only one component.