• 2022-05-27
    Going abroad for a holiday is very________ idea.
    A: took charge of
    B: appealing
    C: maximize
    D: in charge of
    E: taken with
  • B


    • 0

      Who’s going to be in charge of the party() A: Alice B: Mary C: Jane

    • 1

      He is a very __________ musician. A: oversleep B: creative C: charge D: association

    • 2

      I did want a holiday abroad, but I ____ the idea last week.

    • 3

      It is imperative that he()full charge of the joint project A: take B: taking C: took D: takes

    • 4

      He is often ______ as the best engineer in the plant. A: registered with B: taken charge of C: referred to D: focused on