• 2022-05-27
    But in this letter of reply he demanded that the creditor ______ him a formal letter of apology.
    A: could write
    B: write
    C: would be writing to
    D: was going to write
  • B


    • 0

      He _________ write a letter tonight.

    • 1

      When you write a letter of apology, you should at the beginning of the letter and clearly state the problem.

    • 2

      If Einstein ________ (be) alive now, I would write him a letter asking him about his theory.

    • 3

      Who do you think he would ______the letter of congratulations to the teacher? A: have write B: have written C: have to write D: have writes

    • 4

      Writing: Suppose you are a close friend of the Elliott family. Write a letter of condolence(吊唁) to Pauline on the death of Frank. Write a letter of about 130 words.