• 2022-05-27
    Which color indicates the harmony between nature and human-beings?
    A: red and green or blue
    B: dark blue and yellow or brown
    C: blue and red or orange
    D: black and purple or pink
  • B


    • 0

      Which of the following colors are the core colors of Chinese traditional colors? A: black and white B: red and cyan C: yellow and blue D: purple and orange

    • 1

      对于enum cc {red, green, blue, black, yellow, white};Console.WriteLine(cc.red+3);则输出结果是_______ A: blue B: black C: green D: yellow

    • 2

      以下定义枚举类型正确的是() A: enum<br/>color={red, yellow, blue}; B: enum<br/>color={“red”, “yellow”, “blue”}; C: enum<br/>color{“red”, “yellow”, “blue”} D: enum<br/>color{red=3, yellow, blue};

    • 3

      以下能生效的样式选项是()p{color:yellow;}.classB{color:red;}.classA{color:blue;}123 A: yellow B: red C: blue D: black

    • 4

      下列枚举类型的定义中,包含枚举值3的是( )。 A: enum test {RED, YELLOW, BLUE, BLACK}; B: enum test {RED, YELLOW=4, BLUE, BLACK}; C: enum test {RED=-1, YELLOW,BLUE, BLACK}; D: enum test {RED, YELLOW=6, BLUE, BLACK};