• 2022-05-27
    What is the meaning of "aside from "?
    A: 除了
    B: 靠边
  • A


    • 0

      What __________ him __________ from the other students is that he has a lot of creative ideas. A: pulls … apart B: puts … aside C: sets … aside D: sets … apart

    • 1

      除…之外,即…又… A: side from B: aside of C: beside from D: aside from

    • 2

      Try to see the issue from a different ___.What is the meaning of ‘perspective’ in the sentence?

    • 3

      3. What is the Chinese meaning of the saying “Is it not a joy to have friends come from afar?” in the passage? __________________________

    • 4

      _____ diet and exercise, we know what to do, but we don’t do what we know. (regardless of, pair up with, in tune with, take on board, stand out from, be consistent with, in terms of, engage with, aside from, when it comes to)