• 2022-05-28
    In her bedroom I find __________ 不成对的 socks under her bed and purple pants on the closet floor.
  • mismatched


    • 0

      Meg stared at her _____________ in the bedroom mirror.

    • 1

       I saw her standing under a tree as I was getting off the bus.

    • 2

      What does the underlined "it" refer to?Now, she can’t put it under her pillow. I wonder if it willwork if I put it under my pillow. The Tooth Fairy is going to be so confused. A: the tooth B: the folktale C: pillow D: bed

    • 3

      I saw her standing under a tree as I was getting off the bus. Meaning:_________________________________

    • 4

      She ___ up her bedroom window and leaned out.