• 2021-04-14
    The five most common structures utilized in informational text are_____________.
  • proposition support or sequential listing;definition-example;problem-solution;comparison-contrast;cause-effect


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      One of the most famous structures in the world, the Statue of Liberty is widely considered a inspiring symbol of hope and freedom.() A: the most B: structures C: a D: freedom

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      There five texts in Chapter 6. Text A _________________________; Text B _______________________; Text C _______________________; Text C _______________________; Text E _______________________;

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      Which of the following is NOT a common way to organize informational reports? A: Comparison B: Section size C: Sequence D: Chronology

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      How many types of climate does China have and which one is the most common? A: four; subtropical B: five; tropical C: six; subtropical D: seven; warm temperate

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      The most common graphs are ______ and ______.