• 2022-05-28
    A lot of people moved to the country because they couldn’t ________the heavy pollution in the city.A)put out B) put up with C) put away D) put off
    A: put out
    B: put up with
    C: put away
    D: put off
  • B


    • 0

      Children shouldn't leave their toys on the floor. They should ______. A: put out them B: put off them C: put them away D: put them off

    • 1

      When they had finished reading, the children were told to all the picture books they had taken out. A: put up B: put off C: put away D: put out

    • 2

      He couldn't ______ with the noise in the room. A: put on B: put across C: put up D: put off

    • 3

      6.As soon as we arrived at the camp site, we erected out tent. A: put up B: put out C: put up with D: put off

    • 4

      Mother asked Tom to ______ his toys ______ before he went out to play. A: put ... out B: put ... on C: put ... off D: put ... away