• 2022-05-28
    A: to start
    B: started
    C: start
    D: starting
  • C


    • 0

      The boy still denies ______ the fire behind the store. A: to start B: to starting C: having been started D: having started

    • 1

      I’d sooner he ____ a little earlier. A: started B: start C: starts D: is starting

    • 2

      Please forgive me, I don't mean ______ an argument. A: starting B: to start C: my starting D: to have started

    • 3

      I was ______ work last week, but I change mind. A: to have started B: to start C: to be starting D: to have been starting

    • 4

      The young man still denies ____ the fire behind the store. A: to start B: to starting C: having started D: having been started