• 2022-05-28
    He asked,“How are you getting along ?” → He asked _______.
  • how I was getting along


    • 0

      He asked, "Where are you toget off, John?"He asked John where _____________ get off. A: was he to B: he was to C: does he to D: would he to

    • 1

      He asked me,“ Have you finished reading the newspaper?” A: He asked me if had I finished reading the newspaper. B: He asked me ifI had finished reading the newspaper. C: He asked me ifI finished reading the newspaper.

    • 2

      If you had asked him for help, he _____ you some.

    • 3

      He was asked to repeat the sentence again. Revision: He was asked to _______________.

    • 4

      青书学堂: ( )He asked Li Hong, “Were you watching TV at this time yesterday?” = He asked Li Hong if______.