• 2021-04-14
    Emails are quite private and confidential.
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      It's the top task for us to keep our customers' material strictly ____________. A: private B: confident C: confidential D: mysterious

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      ​ In societies wholly dedicated to the principle of social equality, ________ private education is forbidden.‌ A: inclusive B: specialized C: confidential D: privileged

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      ‌The tuition in a private college is _____.​‌​ A: high B: rather high C: quite low D: tolerable

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      When you are writing emails for business, ___ A: offensive statements sometimes can solve disputes. B: you can use the internet for private use. C: you can distract yourself if you are in anger . D: you can use emails to solve complex issues.

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      All the information offered by you will be kept ____ confidential.