• 2022-05-28
    1. ______reflector can produce natural and light lights, so we usually use it to fill in light.
    A: Soft light
    B: Grey
    C: Silver
    D: White
  • D


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      When shooting Profile, the contrast between light and darkness is usually used to shape the image of the person. Among the following four types of lights, _____ is not necessary. A: Catch Light B: Rim Light C: Background Light D: Top Light

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      As for colors of business suit, we usually select______colors in winter. A: deep B: light C: grey D: brown

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      Under the plan of lighting layout, we should set ______first. A: Fill Light B: Key Light C: Background Ligh D: Rim Light

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      The auxiliary light of loop lighting should be ______. A: scattered light B: hard light C: softbox D: It can’t produce shadow on subject’s face.

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      In the title of the text “The Light of Depression”, “light” may NOT be interpreted as ____ A: the lights of the city B: the light of a new experience C: the light that painted color into her life D: the light that illuminated her life