• 2022-05-26
    What happens when you select French as the target language?
    A: You are able to perform searches in the French language.
    B: The Browse window lists French terms.
    C: The French terms (if available) are shown in the Entry pane below the source language term(s).
    D: French terms will be shown first in the Entry pane.
  • C


    • 0

      Andy is studying French language and ______.

    • 1

      When the French were in England, the French language _______________. () A: was spoken by everybody B: was not very important C: was not spoken by the poor D: was not used in the schools

    • 2

      The Norman Conquest was a period of which the language was influenced by French and French was used by common and lower-class people.

    • 3

      French is the official language in maritime provinces.

    • 4

      French is the official language in Quebec Canada。( )