• 2022-05-26
    What are the purposes of pouring a layer of oil on top of Mao Xue Wang?
    A: Enhance spicy taste
    B: Enhance flavor
    C: Improve color
    D: Heat preservation
  • A,B,C,D


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      The designer told us that large paintings could __( )__ the feeling of space in small rooms. A: enhance B: extend C: encourage D: improve

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      Keep food original color, flavor and taste sensory properties is one of the principle of Food Fortification.

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      What are the roles of fats and oils in food? A: Contains nutrients B: provide energy C: Improve the color, aroma, and taste of food D: Changing the operating characteristics of food

    • 3

      The correct term for martial arts is (). A: Combine attack and attack in sports. Both inside and outside. National style. Entertainment. Enrich cultural life B: Improve and enhance physique. Improve self-defense ability. Enjoy the rich cultural life C: Combine attack and attack in sports. Both inside and outside. National style. Wide adaptability D: Improve self-defense ability. Improve and enhance physical fitness. Both form and spirit. National style

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      Many women prefer to use cosmetics to enhance their beauty and make them look younger. A: enforce B: magnify C: improve D: polish