• 2022-05-26
    Which of the following is an essential feature of hypovolemic shock?
    A: A.Arterial blood pressure does not decrease
    B: B.Reduced peripheral resistance
    C: C.Decreased cardiac output
    D: D.Increased urine output
  • C


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      2. When isotonic hypoxemia occurs A: Reduced blood oxygen content B: Decreased partial pressure of arterial blood oxygen C: Decreased oxygen saturation of hemoglobin D: Normal blood oxygen content E: Tissue cell utilization oxygen disorder

    • 1

      Which of the following about arterial blood pressure is correct? A: Average arterial pressure is the average of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. B: The variation of aortic pressure and left ventricular pressure is the same. C: The variation of aortic pressure and left ventricular pressure is the same. D: Arterial blood pressure increases with age in both men and women.

    • 2

      In a cardiac cycle, the average value of arterial blood pressure is<br/>called () A: Systolic pressure B: Diastolic pressure C: Pulse pressure D: Mean arterial pressure E: Central venous pressure

    • 3

      Which is the feature of stage 2 of shock?() A: Acidosis, vasodilators released B: Blood inflow C: DIC formation D: Blood stasis E: Blood pressure maintained

    • 4

      Which one does not belong to the causes of hypovolemic shock A: Blood loss B: Burn C: Infection D: Crush trauma E: Dehydration