• 2022-05-26
    3. The doctor failed save the girl's life.
    A: to
    B: with
    C: at
    D: about
  • A


    • 0

      In "Life at Harvard University", which one is not described about the author's Harvard life? A: Her academic life. B: Her romantic life. C: Her extracurricular life. D: Her friends she was acquainted with at Harvard.

    • 1

      Biography is a kind of narrative essays about person’s life especially the important facts of someone’s life.

    • 2

      It's a _______ task to save his life.

    • 3

      3. Wang Tao is ill, so he has to go to the ________ . A: doctor B: doctors C: doctor’s D: doctor’

    • 4

      What does the speaker say about college life? It is an __________ experience in our life.