• 2022-05-28
    More than 60% of the students _______ the countryside.
    A: is
    B: are
    C: is from
    D: are from
  • D


    • 0

      According to the writer, knowledge gained from practical experience is ______. A: as important as that from books B: less important than that from books C: more important than that from books D: too limited to Use

    • 1

      For Crusoe, deliverance from affliction is more important than deliverance from sins.

    • 2

      Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following news. A: The US dollar slipped more than a half from its highest point in 2002. B: The US dollar slipped more than a third from its highest point in 2002. C: The US dollar slipped more than a fourth from its highest point in 2002. D: The US dollar slipped more than a fifth from its highest point in 2002.

    • 3

      People always learn more from one’s failure than from the success!

    • 4

      Girls are more likely to suffer from ______ than boys.