• 2022-05-28
    When two people feel the same about each other, their feelings are ______.
    A: mutual
    B: usual
    C: joint
    D: visible
  • A


    • 0

      When Romeo and Juliet meet( ) A: they fall in love immediately. B: they don't like each other at first. C: Juliet doesn't feel the same way as Romeo.

    • 1

      The continual source of our strength was our mutual trust and respect and time will __________ what we feel about each other.

    • 2

      How do people greet each other when they meet in Japan and Korea? ( )​‎​ A: shaking hands B: Kissing cheeks C: Bowing to each other D: Hugging each other

    • 3

      The two parties of collaboration have already _________________________________ with each other about the plan.

    • 4

      When two Maoris press their noses each other, it means that they are fighting or they are angry with each other. __________