• 2022-05-28
    What information is not necessary when checking in at a hotel? ( )
    A: ID card number
    B: name
    C: working unit
    D: passport number
  • C


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      What information does FA need to get in case passengers lose their belongings? A: Name B: Phone number C: Passport D: Everything about the missing luggage

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      ‎What information does FA need to get in case passengers lose their belongings?‌ A: Name B: Phone number C: Passport D: Everything about the missing luggage

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      What information is included in a business card? A: work unit B: name C: job position D: contacting information

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      If you want to book a room at a hotel, you need to give the following information: A: When you will stay at the hotel B: What kind of room you want C: Number of the guests D: Contacting information

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      在境外飞机落地之际,需填写的“landing card”主要包括一下那些内容? A: name B: passport number C: flight number D: nationality E: occupation