• 2022-05-28
    The glass remained ______ after being dropped.
    A: intact
    B: content
    C: abstract
    D: compact
  • A


    • 0

      MethodAdvantagesDisadvantages(1) ·Glass remained (2) ·Slow· (3) Ribbon·Could produce glass sheets of varying (4) ·Non-stop process·Glass was (5) ·20% of glass rubbed away·Machines were expensive (5)处填入()

    • 1

      There _____ nothing to say, the girl remained silent. A: was B: has C: were D: being

    • 2

      It is a pity that Bill _____ of college after his first year. A: dropped in B: fell out C: dropped out D: fell away

    • 3

      A dropped cigarette is being ________ for the fire. A: fired B: fire C: blamed D: blame

    • 4

      All of them, however, remained (live) ______ after the explosion.