• 2021-04-14
    It is important to understand every word in the listening material to get the major ideas.
  • 错误


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      中国大学MOOC: () In listening, there are reliable cues marking every word boundary clear.

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      Which of the following statements conforms to Zhuangzi's ideas in the fable Forget the Quan After Catching the Fish? A: When we learn a passage, we should try to remember every word in the passage correctly. B: Language is important in that it is a way to convey ideas. C: Language is living and changing as shown in the idiom forget the quan after catching the fish. D: Language is not random; it follows a certain path of evolution.

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      中国大学MOOC: Interpreters are supposed to record every single word when listening for key information.

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      Brainstorming is suitable to be used in the early stage of Divergent Thinking, It can help to get a lot of ideas. Mind Map is suitable for combing ideas while value chain analysis can help screening creative ideas to enhance product value.

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      To get a job related closely to my ________ is most important to me. A: major B: subject C: position D: vacation