• 2022-05-28
    What are the 3 branches of The Federal System?
  • The constitution divides the powers of the government into three branches.A. The Executive, headed by the presidentB. The Legislative, including both houses of Congress – the Senate and the House of RepresentativeC. The Judicial, headed by the Supreme Court


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      What does “the system” (para 3) refer to?

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      What are the three branches of the government?

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      (The) federal system (of) government in Canada (is) similar to (it) of the United States.() A: The B: of C: is D: it

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      What are the three levels of government in Canada? A: Federal, Provincial/Territorial, Municipal or Local. B: Federal, Provincial and City. C: Federal, Territorial and Provincial. D: Federal, State and Local.

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      If we look at the meridian system as a big tree, meridians just like the branches of this tree.