• 2022-05-27
    Another new factory has been built near _________ used to be a village.
    A: what
    B: That
    C: which
    D: Where
  • A


    • 0

      --It’s difficult for the village children to cross the river for school.--I think a bridge ____ over the river.A. was built B. is being built C. has been built D. should be built A: was built B: is being built C: has been built D: should be built

    • 1

      The village _____ I grew up has been replaced by a prosperous business zone. A: when B: where C: that D: which

    • 2

      Last summer, I visited the small village ______ my father used to live. A: what B: that C: which D: where

    • 3

      After the earthquake, a new school building was built up _________ there had once been a theatre. A: that B: where C: which D: when

    • 4

      Was it in the village ____ we used to live in ____ the accident happened? A: that, where B: which, that C: where, that