• 2022-05-27
    The meeting was put off because we _____ a meeting without John.
  • objected to having


    • 0

      ; we had to put the meeting off A: Because the manager was ill B: The manager being ill C: The manager was ill D: Being ill

    • 1

      John told me that the meeting was ()(put off) . A: 取消 B: 推迟 C: 结果 D: 中断

    • 2

      ‎ Their coach suggested the sports meeting be because of the bad weather.​ A: put off B: put up C: put down D: put away

    • 3

      1. We have accepted your suggestion we should put off the meeting until next month.

    • 4

      The sports meeting ____. A: put off B: is put off C: is to put off D: is putted off