• 2022-05-27
    For which two actions can you use the TO_DATE function? ()
    A: Aconvert any date literal to a date
    B: Bconvert any numeric literal to a date
    C: Cconvert any date to a character literal
    D: Dformat 'January 10 1999' for input
    E: Eformat '10-JAN-99' to 'January 10 1999'
  • A,D


    • 0

      Congratulations! This is the best book you have written __________. A: up to date B: out of date C: to date D: as date

    • 1

      下列表达式中,不是日期型表达式的是()。 A: date() B: date()+20 C: date()-{^2007-10-12} D: ctod(’10/12/2007’)

    • 2

      下列四个表达式中,正确的表达式是 A: DATE()+CTOD("11/20/99") B: DATE()+20 C: DATE()-CTOD("11/20/99") D: DATE()-20

    • 3

      Which of the following description of blind date is true? A: It's a date between two blind people. B: It's a date where the participants have to keep their eyes closed. C: It's a date between two people who have never met before. D: It's a date between two acquaintances.

    • 4

      _____ any change about the date, please tell me immediately. A: Will there be B: Should there be C: There will be D: There should be