• 2022-05-27
    If you drive a good deal, consider()radial tires.
    A: use
    B: used
    C: using
    D: to use
  • C


    • 0

      Some of the pictures ________ in thismagazine are taken by me. A: used B: using C: use D: to use

    • 1

      To save money, he often buys some (use) _________ books. A: used B: use C: using D: have used

    • 2

      Did you ____ have a part-time job when you were at college? A: used to B: use C: use to D: used

    • 3

      I like _______ my phone to take lots of pictures. A: to use B: use C: using D: used

    • 4

      Usually computers ______ to search the Internet. A: use B: are using C: are used D: used