• 2022-05-27
    Label each of the following as either a physical process or a chemical process:(a)rusting of a metal can is a process;(b)boiling a cup of wateris a process;(c)pulverizing an aspirinis a process;(d)digesting a candy baris a process;(e)exploding of nitroglycerinis a process.
  • chemical process;chemical;chemical chang e# physical process;physical;physical chang e# physical process;physical;physical chang e# chemical process;chemical;chemical chang e# chemical process;chemical;chemical chang e


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      Some psychologists think that thinking is () A: not a mental process B: more of a physical process than a mental action C: a process that involves our entire bodies D: a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain

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      Biological sewage treatment plant work on the ______.: aeration process|centrifuging process|heating process|settling process

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      Changes often happen in ______. A: Initiating Process B: B. Executing Process C: Planning Process D: D. Closing Process

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      What are the types of business process change?( ) A: All the other choices are correct B: Process redesign C: Process reengineering D: Process improvement

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      Listen and choose by context clues. What does photosynthesis mean? A: energy-storing process B: energy-releasing process C: energy-consuming process D: energy-absorbing process