• 2022-05-27
    Our classroom is ________.
    A: four times as larger as theirs
    B: as four times large as theirs
    C: larger four times than theirs
    D: four times the size of theirs
  • D


    • 0

      Asia is four times ________ Europe. A: as larger as B: as largest as C: as large as

    • 1

      Holland has two-thirds the inhabitants of the state of New York, ______ Holland. A: that size is four times of B: that is four times the size of C: which size is four times of D: which is four times the size of

    • 2

      Which expressions are correct? A: This street is four times shorter than that one. B: This street is as four times short as that one. C: This street is the length four times of that one. D: This street is four times as short as that one.

    • 3

      Asia is four times larger than Europe. A: 次 B: 回 C: 倍 D: 时

    • 4

      High-speed trains travel at 300 kilometers an hour, which is about __________ normal trains. A: four times the speed as B: the speed four times of C: four times as the speed of D: four times the speed of