• 2022-05-27
    What should be included in Chomsky’s process of learning a language?
    A: hypothesis
    B: testing
    C: correcting
    D: reciting
  • A,B,C


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      Chomsky’s theory was applied directly in language learning.

    • 1

      2. What does writer of Text A say about one’s interest in language learning?

    • 2

      TBL sees the language process as one of learning through doing.

    • 3

      In learning a second language, a learner will subconsciously use his L1 knowledge. This process is called language _____.

    • 4

      In the process of second language learning, on the basis of target language input, learners create an independent and dynamic language system which is different from the first language and the second language through their own learning strategies, and with the development of learning progress, the continuous transition to the target language is (). A: Media language B: Interlanguage C: Transitional language D: Mixed language