• 2022-05-27
    Q7 - She gave her a knowing smile.
    A: 'Knowing' is an adjective.
    B: 'Knowing' is a present participle.
  • A


    • 0

      “Knowing English” must mean knowing how to()in English.

    • 1

      One of the limitations of classical thermodynamics is that "knowing what it is, but not knowing why".

    • 2

      Not knowing anyone at the party made her feel ______. A: comfortable B: uncomfortable

    • 3

      He seems ___ the old lady. A: knowing B: to be knowing C: to know D: to be known

    • 4

      One of the limitations of classical thermodynamics is that "knowing what it is, but not knowing why". A: 正确 B: 错误