• 2022-05-27
    HIP-HOP和起来意( )
    A: 轻摆臀部
    B: 轻松跳跃
  • A


    • 0

      Hip Hop Churches: A: Were made popular by the rapper Kurtis Blow B: Embraced the hip hop aesthetic in order to share the Christian Gospel Message C: Are only located in New York D: The first two answers

    • 1

      HIP-HOP 从字面上来看,HOP是( ) A: 摆动 B: 单脚跳

    • 2

      Hip Hop Jazz是有hiphop律动在里头的爵士舞。

    • 3

      Alternative Rock, Punk Rock, Pop and Hip Hop are the popular music in the 90's.

    • 4

      Hip hop的起源地是?() A: 南非 B: 英国 C: 美国 D: 墨西哥