• 2022-05-27
    Heat syndrome became cold syndrome,it reflects( ).
    A: opposition
    of Yin-yang
    B: interdependence of Yin-yang
    C: wax-wane of Yin-yang
    D: transformation of Yin-yang
    E: none of above
  • D


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      The male of all beasts and birds is ________ and the female __________. ? yin...; yin|yang...; yin|yin...; yang|yang...; yang

    • 1

      Each kind of Chinese food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. _______ foods are thin, cold and low in calories. _______ foods are rich, spicy, hot and high in calories. A: Yang; Yin B: Yin: Yang

    • 2

      Initially, ( ) refer to the light and darkness of the sunlight. A: yin or yang B: sunny and cloudy C: yin and yang D: Sun and moon

    • 3

      ()<br/>meridians ascend from the toes to the abdomen and chest? A: The three yang meridians<br/>of the foot B: The three yin meridians<br/>of the hand C: The three yang meridians<br/>of the hand D: The three yin meridians<br/>of the foot

    • 4

      In general, moxibustion is applied first to the yin channels and then to the yang channels( )