• 2022-05-27
    Which of the following is NOT true about Australian agriculture?
    A: The beef industry is the largest agricultural enterprise in Australia.
    B: Dairy products are Australia's fourth most valuable agricultural export.
    C: Agriculture constitutes 13% of the Australian GDP.
    D: Australia is a major exporter of wheat and wool.
  • C


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      Which of the following stock farming products accounts for the largest proportion of Australia’s total agricultural output?( ) A: milk B: cattle and calves C: sheep and lambs D: poultry

    • 1

      Which of the followings about the Agriculture of the US are TRUE? A: It is the world's most developed modern agricultural country B: It is a net exporter of food C: It controls almost half of world grain exports D: California has been the nation's largest food and agricultural state for a long time.

    • 2

      In Australia, the writer wants to do the following except: A: Visit Aboriginal tribes in the northern Australia B: Write to one of his Australia friend before leaving for Australia C: Visit Sydney D: Taste Australian food

    • 3

      Most of agricultural commodities produced in Australia are exported to China, the United States, Japan, and etc.( )

    • 4

      Which statement is NOT true about Australia?