• 2022-05-27
    The guy on the phone is called Ian.
  • 正确


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      an、ian、uan、 A: 它们相同部分的发音是一样的; B: “ian、uan、“ian”中的“a”跟“an、uan

    • 1

      PassageOne16.Which one is the most unusual part of Ian Usher’s selling? ________17.Why does Ian Usher make the sale? ________18.What could Ian Usher do to prevent the fake bidding? ________

    • 2

      Why does Ted need to call Ian's friend? A: Ian's friend has gone out of town B: Ted needs to find out if Ian's friend can work for him C: Ian does not know where his friend is having lunch. D: 0

    • 3

      Ian has a big family.

    • 4

      Guy Fawkes Night is celebated in ____?