• 2022-05-27
    —Mary, John is going to Australia tomorrow. Are you going to ______at the airport tomorrow morning—Certainly.
    A: see him away
    B: see him off
    C: see him out
  • B


    • 0

      You ________ him off yesterday. A: must have seen B: must see C: can have seen D: can see

    • 1

      Did you see him ________ the restaurant?

    • 2

      “Would you mind telling him the news?” “_____, but I don’t know if I _____ him these days.” ( ) A: Of course not, shall see B: Of course not, see C: Of course, shall see D: Of course, see

    • 3

      I"ll go to the airport tomorrow morning to ______ a good friend who leaves for Australia. A: see off B: send off C: turn off D: say departure

    • 4

      Sometimes his grandfather __________ here to see him on Sundays. A: is going B: is coming C: goes D: comes