• 2022-05-27
    Skating can be good for you () correctly.
    A: though doing
    B: though done
    C: if done
    D: if doing
  • C


    • 0

      Spend your time just on the things you find ______.( ) A: being worth done B: them worth doing C: worth doing D: worth being done

    • 1

      What are you at the moment? A: do B: doing C: done

    • 2

      Spend your time just on the<br/>things you find ______. () A: worth doing B: worth being done C: being worth done D: them worth doing

    • 3

      Where's the book I gave you? What ____ with it? A: have you done B: are you doing C: have you been doing

    • 4

      What ____ you ____at this time yesterday evening A: was; doing B: did; do C: were; doing D: have; done