• 2022-05-27
    From the macro to the micro level, the project plan does not include ().
    A: project development plan
    B: subject policy plan
    C: project strategic plan
    D: subject specific plan
  • A


    • 0

      My plan for the project worked after I ________ the tasks among small groups of students from different departments.

    • 1

      Your plan about this project is excellent. A: outstanding B: wonderful C: rare D: so-so

    • 2

      ( )不属于项目管理的4P范围。 A: people B: process C: project D: plan

    • 3

      The government is doing a ______ of people's changing social habits. A: plan B: survey C: project D: research

    • 4

      The original plan was to _________ six months to have the project done.( ) A: devote B: sacrifice C: offer D: take