• 2022-05-27
    ______ Karen tells Ellen that she is going to hang up the phone.
  • F


    • 0

      ______ Karen agrees that Ellen can stay at her place for a while.

    • 1

      ‏Which statement about Joan Brandwyn is true?‏‏‏ A: She gives up going to Yale Law because Yale did not accept female students. B: She gives up going to Yale Law because her boyfriend objects. C: She gives up going to Yale Law out of her free will. D: She gives up going to Yale Law after discussions with her parents.

    • 2

      It’s Ellen who answers Alexandra’s phone.

    • 3

      She was just going to give up ________ another chance came.

    • 4

      She picked up the receiver and, __________________ asking the caller to hold on, went off to tell Jack that he was wanted on the phone.