• 2022-05-27
    Why do people in England often talk about the weather?
  • Because they may have four seasons in one day


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      Why do people go on a diet A: To lose weight. B: To eat steak. C: To talk about eating.

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      British people tend to talk about weather quite a lot.

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      Complete the sentences with 's or '.What do you think about England __ weather?

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      People always talk about the weather because ________. A: they don’t want to talk about other topics B: everyone accepts the topic C: it is changeable D: everyone knows a lot about the weather

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      Why do British usually greet each other with talking about weather? A: Because they are quite concerned about weather. B: Because weather is the most important factor to influence their daily life C: Because talking about weather is more neutral and safe. D: Because it’s interesting to talk about weather.