• 2022-05-28
    Muscle is often divided into striated muscle (or skeletal muscle), smooth muscle and cardiac muscle. Both Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle are under voluntary control.
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      The following statement about the slow wave potential of gastrointestinal smooth muscle, the correct right narratives are A: Can control the rhythm of smooth muscle contraction B: Can make the membrane potential close to the threshold potential level C: No effect on the rhythm of smooth muscle contraction D: Must be accompanied by the contraction of smooth muscle

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      Another name for a skeletal muscle cell is a: A: muscle sheath. B: muscle nucleus. C: muscle fibre. D: muscle tendon.

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      Muscles can be divided into ( ) according to the effect on the joints when muscle contract. A: Extensor muscle B: Flexor muscle C: Adductor muscle D: Abductor muscle E: Static muscle

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      Cardiac muscle is different from skeletal muscle because: A: Fast Na+ Channels B: Slow Ca2+ Channels C: Presence of actin and myosin D: Na+-K+ pump

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      The longest prismatoidal muscle in the whole body is ( ). A: Splenius muscle B: Longissimus dorsalis muscle C: Brachiocephalic muscle muscle D: Iliocostalis muscle